I thought the best thing for me to do was post a beer review, after all, I am reformed and I love beer. The most natural choice for my beer review is the greatest beer on the planet (now, keep in mind, I have only had about 20 different kinds of beer), Bass Ale.
Anyone who knows me, knows this is my favorite beer. Near my home in
A bit about the history of Bass Ale; this beer is brewed in
Now about the beer itself; when it is poured it is a clear reddish amber with a modest tan head that dispels quickly. You want your imperial pint glass filled to the brim with nothing but the good stuff, and that’s how this beer is designed. The aroma is mostly the sweet malt. Bass is a well balanced beer, plenty of flavor, and a clear after taste. Those sweet caramel malts register first, then the hops give it just a touch of a bitter ending, barely worth mentioning. The flavor coats your mouth for awhile. You don’t forget what you’ve drank after the swallow. It’s light or barely medium bodied, but the taste sticks around.
If you are looking for a fairly inexpensive beer that will go great with dinner or as an after dinner snack, this is the beer for you. But you must make me a promise if you are going to drink this beer, you must drink it to the glory of God. “Whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God” (1 Corinthians 10:31).
Something you failed to mention is that Bass and Guinness go great together as well: the Black and Tan!
ReplyDeleteWow. I mean, it's OK in a pinch, but the best ale out there? That's a bold claim.
ReplyDeleteI'll take a porter/stout or an IPA (depending on the weather) over a garden variety ale any day.
But to each his own, as the Good Book says.
Like I said, I have not had a WIDE variety of beers. But, when you have found the best, why move on to another one?
ReplyDeleteI've gotta say I'm with Jason. It's a good beer. I am even a big fan of the ales, but I just can't go with the best ever. And if you're talking black and tan I think that yuengling is the best ale for one of those, although not the best ale in the world. I like the black and tan that yuengling sells, already mixed.
ReplyDeleteBut I guess it makes sense that the same person who thinks Bass is the best beer ever also thinks that The Stray Cats are the best band ever.
ReplyDeleteHand in glove, you know?
That is a low blow...
Bass is good, but definitely not the best. Chimay reserve is by far the best I've ever had. Not easy to come by and very pricey, but worth every cent. What else would you expect from a beer brewed at a Belgian monastary?
ReplyDeleteAnd, Josh R.: Yuengling B&T over the Guinness/Bass combo? Where I come from that's a serious beer faux pas. Being from Philly, I like Yuengling as much as the next guy. But nothing can beat the traditional Guinness/Bass B&T.
Peace out,
Bass-weiser. No thanks. Grimbergen Double Abbey Ale or Paulaner Salvator Dopple Bock. Now those are Truly Reformed Ales. Semper Reformanda!
ReplyDeleteIf you're looking to comingle your brews I'm a big fan of Young's Double Chocolate Stout with Lambic Framboise. Now that's livin'.