On the latest episode of
House, Dr. House (an avowed atheist) takes on a patient who is a priest who has forsaken his faith and yet still goes through the motions of being a priest. The priest has abandoned his faith after being falsely (though the staff doubts that the accusations were false and thus think him to be a pedophile) accused by a young boy of molesting him. The priest has been transferred many times between parishes and ultimately finds himself working at a homeless shelter where he becomes very sick. I find the following conversation to be more than a little interesting for network television...
PATIENT: Everything I've told you is true.
HOUSE: You lost your faith because a
teenager got 'confused'.
PATIENT: ...and my church abandoned me, and my God forsook me, and I couldn't come up with a reason why God would do that.
KUTNER: He gave the church and the kid free will. Their exercise of that free will hurt you, it means you're just a victim of God's gift to mankind.
PATIENT: Oh yeah. God wants life to have meaning, life's meaningless without free will, with free will there's always suffering, so God wants suffering; I got tired of that argument before I even finished saying it. And even if I bought that, what the hell is God doing? Just the big stuff? The acts of God, the hurricanes, the earthquakes, the random killings of millions of innocent people? We'd better damn pray.
HOUSE: ... ...
God I wish you weren't a pedophile!

Throughout the episode, House is (or seems to be) glad to see that the priest is an atheist, but something changes. By the end of the episode, the boy who (we discover "falsely") accused the priest of molesting him as a young boy returns while he is in the hospital to seek forgiveness and say he is sorry for what he did to the priest's life by lying about him. In addition to this, he receives healing after House figures out what is causing his sickness. However, in order to discover the priest's ailment he has to eliminate the priest's vision of Jesus as a hallucination. The end result is that the sickness only makes sense if the vision of Jesus that priest saw was not a hallucination at all. This, along with the forgiveness the priest receives shakes him in his atheism. The following conversation ensues...
PATIENT: What about my hallucination?
HOUSE: Scotch explains that.
PATIENT: That was just a coincidence...
HOUSE: Coincidences do happen.
PATIENT: That coincidence is what brought me to you in the first place.
HOUSE: You promised you wouldn't go there.
PATIENT: Einstein said 'coincidences are God's way of remaining anonymous.'
HOUSE: A woman in Florida said, 'Look, Jesus is on my cheese sandwich.'
PATIENT: You didn't even want to take my case; you didn't even think I was sick.
HOUSE: The fact that I was wrong is no proof of God.
PATIENT: I'm just trying to understand how my life could completely turn around in a single day.
HOUSE: Don't worry; your life will go back to sucking soon enough. ... Everything that happened to you can be rationally explained.
PATIENT: I know. It's just... Man, that's a lot of coincidences.