Sunday, August 1, 2010

Free Tim Keller Book!

"Why would someone risk his safety, destroy his schedule, and become dirty and bloody to help a needy person of another race and social class? And why would Jesus tell us "Go and do likewise"? Like the wounded man on the Jericho road, there are needy people in our path- the widow next door, the family strapped with medical bills, the homeless man outside our place of worship. God call us to be ministers of mercy to people in need of shelter, assistance, medical care, or just friendship."

Christian Audio's free audiobook of the month is Tim Keller's Ministries of Mercy.

Westminster Books is selling the physical book at 50% off right now for $6.50, which is hard to beat unless you're buying it beat up and written all over at my yard sale.

The questions Keller deals with in the book:
  • Is everyone called to mercy, or only those who are gifted for it?
  • Should I show mercy to my neighbor even if I don’t feel like it?
  • Didn’t the poor just get themselves into the mess they’re in? Do they really deserve my help?
  • Is it ever merciful to withhold giving from someone?
  • How do you balance sharing the gospel verbally and living out the Christian life in a visible way?

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