Wednesday, June 20, 2012

New Romans Commentary!

A new volume in the Pillar New Testament Commentary is available.  Evidently, Leon Morris' fantastic volume on Romans is being retired and replaced by this new addition to the series.  Doug Moo, who has a pretty fantastic volume on Romans himself, says that this new version is a good combination of "academic depth and accessibility."  One of the great advantages of this new volume, of course, is that it deals with contemporary debates on justification that were not quite as prominent or mainstream as it was when Morris wrote the original Pillar Commentary on Romans.

Right now, Westminster Books is selling the book alone for 40% off, which is lower than Amazon's current price.  However, if you buy the entire 14-book set, you can get all of the books for 50% off - a deal that can't be beat.  Great deals abound.

While I'm at it, I want to remind our readers that they can get Fred Zaspel's book Warfield on the Christian Life: Living in Light of the Gospel for only $7.  It's a crazy price for a great book.  Also, I know I recommended this book a month or so ago, but the price on it is still fantastic.  If you want a solid book on the life of Herman Bavinck, Ron Gleason's biography of him is being sold at Westminster for 60% off.

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