Saturday, August 8, 2009

A Call to Witness


  1. Whoa, whoa, whoa.

    Is this video promising with the growth of the Muslim population?

    Is this clip seducing us Christians to share and proclaim the love, grace and the gospel of God tons more people who don't know Him.

    And God to be so good to us that we don't have to go to the Middle East but yet He brings the Middle East straight to our doorstep?

    How can our God be so good? Who can compare themselves to Him!

  2. I gotta brush up on my Muslim apologetics!

  3. Here is a recent article on the BBC website concerning the video above. Hope it is informative.

    Debunking a YouTube hit

  4. Thanks for the link, ten. I just read the article and I'm pretty satisfied that that statistics quoted in the above video are, in fact, in error. I really appreciate you sharing the facts with us.


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